How to survive a travel hangover

It wasn’t until the ripe old age of 21 that I got my first hangover. Before then, I would bounce out of bed bright and early with a whole exciting day ahead of me. Some called me lucky. I call it a curse. My hangovers are made so much worse because they’re plagued with nostalgia.…

How to avoid accidentally flashing your boobs when you travel

It gets to the point when travelling solo that you don’t seek out female dorms anymore. You get over the higher fees, tight pre-existing clicks of your roommates and surprisingly, judgement for showing the tiniest bit of skin when you change. So what’s your alternative? It didn’t take me long to move into mixed dorms…

Size Matters: How to choose the perfect backpack for travel

As a backpacker I’ve collected numerous backpacks over the years. Every trip led me to becoming more efficient in selecting what to take and how to pack. As my packing skills developed my wants and needs for my backpack changed, until I eventually found my canvas soul mate. Choosing the right backpack for your trip…

How Sesamoidits Isn’t Going to Keep Me From Surfing & Travelling

I’ve had a hard run lately and I feel it’s time I share. For the past two years I have been constantly struggling with injury. I haven’t previously shared this because I refused to accept that my life my life of travelling, surfing and adventure could be coming to an end. In addition to this,…
