My five minutes of fame at the top of Mandalay Hill

Crowds are massing. With clear skies there’s hope for an exquisite sunset over Mandalay. The pagoda perched on the top of Mandalay Hill is the best location to watch the golden Myanmar sun set over its once capital city. But the prime viewing position on the pagoda’s balcony is taken by three empty chairs. Whispers and rumours of…

Here’s how to repair a flat tyre in Bagan

A flat tyre. It always seems to happen when you are at the furthest point from home and exhausted. Visiting my last pagoda for the day, after 4 hours of riding through deep sand, I was definitely feeling it. The sun beat down on my body and sweat moved in a permanent stream down my forehead.…

WARNING: What you see isn’t always what you get in Yangon

When you make a reservation anywhere in the world from a reputable website such as Agoda, you generally don’t suspect that you will be victim to drastic fraudulent advertising of properties. Arriving in Yangon, Myanmar though, I was definitely surprised to find my room had only two of the facilities in the tiny windowless shoebox,…
