It is inevitable on all tours, it seems, to get ill. I had heard about the “Contiki Cough”. And I was about to discover that Topdeck tours had a joy of its own. Up early for another day on the bus, my roommate and I both woke with serious head colds. Ugh! Our trusty and well prepared guide gave us some medication and we were off on our way, regardless. We were visiting Pamukkale on the way to Kusadasi – another highlight of the trip that
I had been waiting for, so the timing for this head cold couldn’t be worse.
Feeling weak, miserable and in need of a nap, I was still determined to explore the unique natural wonders that lie in Pamukkale. We arrived in time for lunch and I was ba
rely able to eat my gozleme as I looked up at the calcite pools, which looked like white frosting drizzled over a chocolate cake. Forcing the food down my throat for energy, I was ready. Others of the tour had been hit hard too, with one even remaining at the restaurant to nap whilst the rest of us boarded the bus for the top entrance.
Each step brought me closer to the pools I had been longing to see, my excitement peaking and my body running off adrenaline. Bikini ready, I headed straight into the pools that lined the slope. The third pool down was by far the best. Perfect temperature and base. Definitely proved there was no need to pay to swim in the actual swimming pool at the top of the hill. The fourth pool down though held a few nasty surprises like hair and bandaids (plasters).

With my energy ebbing, our group started back up the slope. Naturally our childish natures had us load into the fast moving channel as if boarding a bobsled, before being told off by one of the many workers patrolling the area. Exhausted and with little interest from the rest of the group, we skipped the ruins and re-boarded the bus and, after a quick car park change into dry clothes, we were off to Kusadasi.
With plans for those who were sick to rest up, the rest of the group went out to explore the Kusadasi nightlife. First stop was our best included-meal on the tour – something which surprised us totally: an all-you-can-eat buffet full of actual veggies! My body thrived, loving the vitamins it received and begging for more even after I was full. This was followed by a beautiful Kusadasi sunset.
The tour stayed in Kusadasi for two nights as it is a great base to visit the ancient city of Ephesus. With temperatures soaring, only a small portion of our group actually made it to the city to explore. We slide down the marble footpaths, marvelled at all we saw and listened intensely to our guide. Our visit was in the afternoon, in an attempt to avoid the tens of thousands of visitors from the many cruise ships that dock in Kusadasi to visit Ephesus in the morning. The group naturally was most excited about the so-called brothel believed to be positioned directly across from the third largest ancient library and central to the city.

Still feeling very ill and suffering from the heat, a visit to the carpet shop was exactly what the doctor ordered – not. After an informative demonstration on different types of Turkish carpets and how to make them, the salesmen were in full swing. Wanting just to lie down and rest, my experience was spoilt by one of the men trying to force me to buy a rug even when I told him a very clear “no”. As he pushed me further, I explained how I would be backpacking for 6 months out of a 40L bag and I did not want to carry a rug around with me, but to him that clearly meant “yes”, so he kept his spiel going. I soon had to sneak outside and lie near the bus to escape. Another dinner of veggies and an early night, and our time here was up. It was time for a new beginning and a new part of Turkey to explore.